Application: Pool, Patio, Facade, Rooftop, Steps, Treads, Fireplace, SPA
Custom Coping: custom cut, bullnose, and mitering of Caramel Porcelain Pavers.
Application: Pool, Patio, Facade, Rooftop, Steps, Treads, Fireplace, SPA
Custom Coping: custom cut, bullnose, and mitering of Caramel Porcelain Paver available in under 2 weeks in NJ
Origin: Italy
Packing Info of Caramel Porcelain Paver :
- 40”x40″ – 1 crates = 233.3
Technical Specifications (UNI EN 14411 ANNEX G -Bla / UNI EN ISO 13006 ANNEX G -Bla):
- Water Absorption – ≤ 0.1% (International Standard: ≤ 0.5%,)
- Flexion Resistance – Complying (Int. Sta: S ≥ 1.300 N, R ≥ N/mm2)
- Resistance to Thermal Shocks – No Damage (Test Passed According to EN ISO 10545-1)
- Frost Resistance – No Damage (Test Passed According to EN ISO 10545-1)
- Resistance to Swimming Pool Chemicals – Complying (Standard of Test: EN ISO 10545-12)
- Resistance to Stain – Complying (Standard of Test: EN ISO 10545-14)
- Skid Resistance – Anti-Slip: 0.8 (must be more than 0.41) (tested at Main Lab Sassuolo, Italy)